5 Potential Basis to Buy from a Used Car Dealership

Posted Thursday, Aug 31, 2023

Do you know that the majority of Americans prefer to buy used vehicles rather than new ones? In 2022, the sale of used vehicles was almost 38.6 million units in the USA.

As millions of people are appreciating the benefits of used cars, you must wonder what exactly the pros of buying a used car are. Used cars can be a good option for budget-conscious buyers, but there are two major sources of buying used cars. Car dealers or private sellers.

Here we take a detailed look at what makes the car dealerships a better option out of the two and the reasons to buy a used car from them.

Car Dealers Offer You a Greater Choice of Vehicles

Indeed when buying a used car, you have a wider selection of makes and models. You can buy almost brand-new models or browse through vehicles that are almost 7 to 10 years old. But this freedom to inspect several vehicles on a single visit is not possible when buying from private sellers.

Used car dealerships are scattered all over the country. And in one dealership, you can check out several models within your budget. So car dealers open a whole world of used vehicles for you.

In a dealership, you can test drive your preferred vehicles and check which used car suits your needs best. The sales team at a dealership will walk you through different cars offering benefits such as manual vs. automatic or different performance, mileage, and longevity.

You Have Time to Think and Make the Correct Decision

A private seller is mostly in a hurry to sell their car. Or they do not want to wait for an unnecessary amount of time to receive an answer from buyers. You cannot ask a private seller to reserve a car for you, as they have multiple other buyers lining up.

However, a used car dealership gives you more time to consider your options. You can even ask the car dealers to reserve your car for 48 hours until you can make a decision.

However, even if the car you were planning to buy is already sold out, the dealer can offer you similar vehicles. There are plenty of used cars in a dealership with similar budgets, makes, and models. So consider your pros and cons properly, and reach the best solution.

Flexible Payments for Budget-Conscious Buyers

Dealerships can remove a great deal of pressure by giving you enough time to think and decide. But another reason why buying from a car dealer makes a significant difference is because it allows flexibility of payment.

Private sellers usually demand an upfront payment in cash. This is not a suitable option for people who cannot afford to pay a huge amount in advance. Furthermore, many people are also not willing to invest so much money at once. This could be a major hindrance in purchasing a used car altogether.

With a used car dealership, there is an alternative option for payment. Many used car dealerships offer an in-house financing option.

In-house financing means that the dealer or seller of the car is extending a loan to the customer. This is done in order to complete the purchase of goods or services. The used car dealership will use its own funds and then finance the purchases of its clients. This is an attractive option for people who want a maximum guarantee that their money is in good hands.

There are lots of benefits to in-house financing;

  • You get prompt access to your vehicle.
  • The application procedure is easy and direct.
  • There is maximum security for your investment.
  • The used car dealership will offer you additional services.
  • You can negotiate on the monthly repayments or the interest rate.

The Dealership Offers the Best Customer Services

A used car dealership is a business. It cannot compromise its reputation and brand image, which is why a dealer will make sure that the customers are always satisfied with its services. This means being transparent with its offers and products and making sure that every vehicle is present in the highest quality.

When buying from a private seller, there is a high chance that the seller may hide the defects of the used car. Even if you inspect the vehicle on your own, there’s only so much you can do as you do not have professional experience.

A used car dealership has a trained and professional team that makes sure that every vehicle is fit for purchase. They employ car mechanics and skilled personnel to check the used cars in their inventory and fix any minor flaws that can bother the customer.

The car dealers make sure that their brand reputation is always positive. This is why, if any problem does arise after purchase, they are willing to fix it as soon as possible.

Furthermore, all car dealerships are bound by FTC laws, which means that they can never trick, deceive, or upsell a used car.

There Is Room for Negotiation

Private sellers want to get the best deal on their used cars. This is why they are hardly willing to negotiate on the demanded price. They know what their car is worth and are rigid on getting the top price for their car.

In the case of used car dealerships, the team of professional thoroughly inspect every car and make sure that they understand the pros and cons of its purchase. They are much more willing to negotiate at a lower price in order to guarantee customer satisfaction and also to sell a greater number of vehicles.

However, you must understand that used cars from dealerships are generally more expensive than you expect. This is because the team spends its money and energy to eliminate any flaws in the cars. This is done to make sure that they are presented to the customer in the highest quality possible.

Get the best deals on used cars in Ontario, CA, with Fiesta Motor Ontario.